Confidentiality in employment agreements

Confidentiality in Employment Contracts under Dutch Law 

Understand the laws concerning confidentiality in employment contracts under Dutch law. 

As In today's competitive business landscape, safeguarding confidential information has become a paramount concern for employers. To address this concern, many contracts and agreements between employers and employees include a confidentiality clause. This article delves into the significance of employee confidentiality clauses in employment contracts and settlement agreements and explores how employers can effectively maintain them.

Understanding the Purpose of Confidentiality Clauses in an Employment Contract

A confidentiality clause serves a vital role in ensuring that employees do not disclose confidential information to third parties. By including such a clause, employers draw the employee's attention to the importance of keeping sensitive information confidential. Moreover, breaching these confidentiality obligations often results in consequences, such as a penalty clause.

Employee Confidentiality Clause in an Employment Contract under Dutch Law

A confidentiality clause can be included in an employment contract to prohibit employees from sharing confidential information or business secrets with others, including competitors. This obligation remains applicable during and even after the termination of employment. It is crucial for both the employer and employee to clearly define the scope of this obligation within the employment contract. This ensures that the employee understands their responsibilities in preserving confidentiality. For instance, the contract may specify that confidential information can be shared with colleagues. To define the concept of business secrets, the new Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets can serve as a useful reference.

Consequences of Not Having a Confidentiality Clause in an Employment Contract under Dutch Law

While a confidentiality clause is not legally mandated, neglecting to include one does not grant employees the freedom to share information with third parties. Employees are expected to act as "good employees" within the employment relationship, which entails refraining from disclosing business secrets or making statements that could harm the employer's competitive position. However, it is advisable to document the confidentiality agreement, even if it is only for the purpose of providing evidence that arrangements were made regarding confidentiality.

Sanctions for Breaching Confidentiality Obligations under Dutch Law

When a confidentiality obligation is violated, various sanctions may be imposed. Often, a penalty clause is incorporated into the contract, specifying a fixed amount that the employee must pay for each violation. This approach offers advantages over pursuing damages, as the employer does not need to prove the extent of the damage suffered. However, it's worth noting that courts have the authority to mitigate the amount of the penalty if deemed necessary.

The Role of Confidentiality Clauses in Settlement Agreements under Dutch Law

In settlement agreements, confidentiality clauses are particularly significant. Employers and employees commonly agree not to disclose any information pertaining to the nature or content of the settlement agreement. This agreement benefits employers by preventing other employees from gaining insight into theterms of the settlement and potentially demanding similar conditions during negotiations. Similarly, employees may have an interest in a confidentiality clause to avoid the disclosure of the reasons for their termination of employment.

Sanctions in Settlement Agreements under Dutch Law

Settlement agreements may also include penalty clauses, whereby the employee is obligated to pay a fixed amount for any violation of the confidentiality agreement after the termination of employment.

Best Practices for Ensuring the Effectiveness of Confidentiality Clauses

To maximize the effectiveness of confidentiality clauses in employment contracts and settlement agreements, the following best practices should be observed:

By implementing these best practices, employers can foster a culture of confidentiality and protect their sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.


In conclusion, employee confidentiality clauses play a crucial role in safeguarding confidential information and business secrets. They serve to protect the competitive advantage of employers and ensure that sensitive information remains within the intended boundaries. By incorporating comprehensive confidentiality clauses, clearly defining obligations, and linking them to penalty clauses, employers can effectively maintain confidentiality and mitigate the risk of information breaches.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific guidance on your situation, I recommend consulting with a qualified professional.

Employment attorney - Eva Jongepier


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Mrs. Eva Jongepier
Fennek Advocaten LLP
Stadionplein 71
The Netherlands